St. Patrick Church Address:
327 Greenwich Street
Belvidere, New Jersey 07823
For Both Churches:
Mass Times
Saturday - 4:00 pm at St. Patrick
Sunday - 8:00 am at St. Patrick
Sunday - 9:30 am at St. Rose of Lima
Sunday - 11:00 am at St. Patrick
Daily Mass Times
Monday through Saturday
at St. Patrick Church at 9:00 AM
Office Information
The Parish Office is located at
327 Greenwich Street in Belvidere, NJ.
The office is open from 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM on Thursday.
St. Rose of Lima Church Address:
85 Academy Street
Oxford, New Jersey 07863
For Both Churches:
Gospel Meditation
Please click above if you would like to donate to St. Patrick Church or St. Rose of Lima Church
From The Diocese of Metuchen
Click the image below to learn about
Eucharistic Revival
from The USCCB United States
Conference of Catholic Bishop
Christ comes to us in the Eucharist, offering Himself to us: Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. He nourishes us, offering Himself as "our daily bread". It is easy for us to overlook this extraordinary gift. Even people who go to Mass each Sunday forget that Jesusis not merely symbolically present, but truly and substantially.
It's time for us to entrust ourselves to the One who gave His life for us and invites us to encounter Him in the Eucharist."
2025 Bishop's Annual Appeal
Click on the image below for the Bishop's Message